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Event Over

Cultural Awesomeness

By Edgar Daniel Serrano Rivera

8.0 Batalla

Mulaka vs Ganoko

Cultural Awesomeness

We are developing a video game about the Raramuri (Tarahumara) culture, with collaboration of experts and anthropologists. The aim is to deliver an awesome RPG / Action Adventure game , using all the stories, myths and rites that exist and form essential part of Mexico. The game will be narrated in the original Raramuri language, all the enemies, weapons, magic and deities have been approved by experts as historically accurate. The game design is the combination of what we see is lacking in already awesome games, taking the best mechanics and most entertaining and engaging aspects of the games we love.


I’m co-founder of Lienzo, one of the first videogame studios in Chihuahua, Mexico. My passion for video games and team have inspired me to put Mexico on the map as a source. / @LienzoMX